Monday, January 7, 2013

Introduction to the Blog

Hey all!

Within this blog you can find tutorials of creating really cool engineering projects. Right now I have two projects completed and finishing up on the third. You can check out said projects by clicking on there pages on the right of this screen. I got the potato cannon, fireball shooter, and mini water pump pages up now. Keep checking in I hope to post my other projects in the upcoming weeks. I hope you enjoy the projects. I wish I could take credit for all of them but I have to be honest and say I get most of my material from various sources. No divine inspiration going on here. Please comment on the pages and let me know if they are missing anything or you are confused with the methodology. I'll take requests because I like the challenge and it would give me something to do in my free time when I'm not writing my thesis. Please also send requests for the music selections. All music in my blog is played by myself. Shout out to Vanessa for singing beautifully in our "Turning Tables" rendition!



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