Suction Rifle

Okay so I know that not every one is a fan of insects, spiders, or other little creepy crawlers. On the other side you can be a nature lover and fine these things appealing. This gadget is great compromise so that you neither have to touch the bugs or squish them! It is called the suction rifle.

GET YO PIECES! (all of it can be found at a local Home Improvement Store, I did Lowes)

- approx. 3 feet of SCH 40 - 1/2 inch O.D. PVC piping
- (1) 1/2 inch PVC-T fitting
- (1) 1/2 inch PVC-90 degree elbow fitting
- (1) 1/2 inch PVC-45 degree elbow fitting
- (1) 1/2 inch to 1 inch PVC reducer
- (1) 1 inch PVC end cap
- (2) pipe hose clamps (they will to cover a 2 inch to 4 inch range)
- (1) can of dusting air (any type will do as long as it has that attachable red straw with it, i.e. computer cleaning air can)
- (1) beer kozzie
- (1 plastics lid to a coffee bin)
                  Pipe Clamps                                          PVC 45 Elbow
                        PVC Reducer                                      PVC T-fitting
                          PVC 90 Elbow                                     PVC End cap


- cut the 1/2 inch PVC pipe into (5) pieces : (1) 18 inches, (1) 8.5 inches, (1) 4 inches, (2) 1 inch pieces

- drill multiple holes into the bottom of the 1 inch PVC end cap as seen in the picture (this allows for the little guy to breathe and allows a vacuum to be made)
- drill another hole in the middle of the PVC-T fitting (make sure it is just big enough to fit the "red straw" from the Dusting Air can to fit through)

- Cut a small circle from the coffee lid. Make it just big enough to fit inside of the T-fitting


Attach all the pieces as seen in the pics below (you can use PVC cement to fit all the joints if you want.... I didn't)

                     1 inch PVC piece goes into Reducer which Goes inside of End cap
      Other 1 inch PVC piece goes into 45 Elbow which connects to the first 1 inch piece

                                    Connect the remainder of the pieces like so
                   Make sure the T-fitting is completely closed off by the coffee lid. I had to use some   electrical tape to make sure it was sealed properly.
check out the video below to see a test run!!

                                                           Specs to be picked up
                                                                  IT WORKS!
                                                             That worked nicely...
Note that this tool is great for spiders and small insects. I was successful in sucking sunflower seeds as well. Enjoy!

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